All faith bases and religions point to one thing: that we are not separate from what is around us, that we are co-creators of our daily reality. What links us with all living creatures has been given many names- – Chinese say Qi, Japanese Ki, Prana for Indians, the new agers call it Aura, and modern science defines it as Bio-field energy.

No matter the name, the idea is the same: when this energy is low, life becomes more difficult – daily stress weight on you, sleep does no come easily, and you become more susceptible to illness. When your energy is strong, it’s just the opposite as you feel vibrant in all areas.

Reiki has no faith base and is not a religion. It’s a simple energy healing technique that increases and replenishes a person’s supply of Qi, Ki, Prana, or Biofield energy or whatever name you like best. The awareness is what matters most. And once you become aware of Reiki energy, you become aware of a better life and a better way to live.